The Labyrinth of Limits


Oct 26 - 31 2023


Todo el día

This training is aimed at youth leaders and youth workers, it uses the methodology of the Labyrinth of Limits, a life action game that has been co created in Arterra Bizimodu. Participants will experience the game, while at the same time taking a meta-position as game design leaders.

The Labyrinth of Limits is a Game based on the Game Based Learning (GBL) model and the Holistic Head-Heart-Hands (HHH) framework. It has been designed to creatively address the challenges of the necessary ecosocial transition.

The ecosocial crisis that defines our present involves all of us: citizens, public decision-makers, civil society and its organisations, the academic community, etc. As society, we face a difficult challenge: how to make our societies, our economies and our cultures meet human needs without overstepping our ecological boundaries and within a framework of social justice and

These crises have a direct impact on Youth across Europe, who will have to manage in the near future many of today’s challenges ( climate change, economic crises, loss of biodiversity, consequences of war).

This Game is a tool which invites participants to own their future. Through multiple tests, dilemmas, experiences, simulations and role-plays, you will experiment, create and choose different ways of facing the challenges presented to you, in a collective and collaborative way.

The game allows us to «pretend» and adopt different roles or characteristics, thus exploring lesser-known places of our being, as individuals and as a group. Youth workers and youth leaders attending this «Labyrinth of Limits» – GBL – HHH training acquire different skills:

  • An understanding of designing activities for young people through GBL Play.
  • A framework for addressing and sharing boundaries: boundaries of the planet, boundaries of resources, boundaries of relationships and coexistence.
  • Use of the GBL process for skills development in organisations.
  • In-depth understanding of the HHH Head, Heart and Hands framework and its applicability in educational design.
  • Group facilitation skills.
  • Content, methods and tools for working in Networks, Groups and Organisations, playing and learning to manage struggles and challenges from a playful energy.

If you are interested and eligible for this training you can apply through this form:

Erasmus + funded training, covering travel, food & accommodation costs for 21 participants from the following countries: Spain, Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Finland, Italy.


  • Arrival: 25th October
  • Training: 26-31 October
  • Departure: 1st November


  • Arterra Bizimodu
  • Calle abajo 1, 31480, Artieda, Navarra, Spain


  • You are a youth leader or a youth worker
  • You are living in one of the following countries or your nationality is from one of the following countries: Spain, Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Finland, Italy
  • You are available for the full training

Information about travel and number of participants per country: