After ten years of big dreams, a lot of work, a few tears and, above all, a lot of laughter, we finally embarked on the adventure of buying what has been our house during these years as a project.

For this we are in the process of establishing a housing cooperative with cession of use. In this way the property will belong to the cooperative and the people who live here will be able to use the space but not resell our participation, with which we are rescuing this property and what happens here outside the speculative market. From the moment the purchase is formalized, all this will belong to the cooperative in perpetuity, whoever is part of it.

We are articulating the purchase through a mortgage with Fiare, a non-profit cooperative bank that is committed to social and regenerative projects like this one. The mortgage installments will be part of the usage fees of the people, with which we will continue to live on «rentals» but the recipient will be the cooperative. This means that when the mortgage is paid we will be able to reinvest those fees in improving this space and in investing in other similar initiatives.

As some of you know, a mortgage only covers a part of the total amount (80%). We will cover the rest through donations and loans from the people who make up the project and relatives.

We have thought of extending a call for collaboration to all those who feel close to this project and/or the social change of which we are trying with all our might to be part of.

We invite you to donate or lend us what you consider appropriate. Any amount helps and will give us strength to continue being pioneers in the ecosocial transition.

In case you want to make a donation to us, here are the details of our account and a link to our paypal:

Name: Asociación Arterra Bizimodu
IBAN: ES97 1491 0001 2921 1057 3728
Concept: Donación compra

In the event that you want to make us a loan, we are working on finalizing the details of what it would be like, but we can tell you in advance that it will surely be a loan for a minimum of 10 years, with soft interest and a grace period of 2 years. We will update this post with the details as soon as we have them. For now, we invite you to contact us indicating your willingness to lend us any amount here by choosing the «Donations and loans» category.

Even if you cannot afford to donate or lend anything, we invite you to share this publication in your networks and contacts.

Thank you very much with all our hearts,
Las Arterranas

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